
Feeding performance

This explorative notebook intends to shine some light on the different modes of feeding documents to Vespa. We will look at these 4 different methods:

  1. Using VespaSync.

  2. Using VespaAsync.

  3. Using feed_iterable()

  4. Using Vespa CLI

Refer to troubleshooting for any problem when running this guide.

Install Vespa CLI. The vespacli python package is just a thin wrapper, allowing for installation through pypi. > Do NOT install if you already have the Vespa CLI installed.

[ ]:
#!pip3 install vespacli

Install pyvespa, other dependencies, and start the Docker Daemon.

#!pip3 install pyvespa datasets plotly>=5.20
#!docker info

Create an application package

The application package has all the Vespa configuration files.

For this demo, we will just use a dummy application package without any indexing, just to ease the load for the server, as it is the clients we want to compare in this experiment.

from vespa.package import (

package = ApplicationPackage(
                    Field(name="id", type="string", indexing=["summary"]),
                    Field(name="text", type="string", indexing=["summary"]),
            fieldsets=[FieldSet(name="default", fields=["text"])],

Note that the ApplicationPackage name cannot have - or _.

Deploy the Vespa application

Deploy package on the local machine using Docker, without leaving the notebook, by creating an instance of VespaDocker. VespaDocker connects to the local Docker daemon socket and starts the Vespa docker image.

If this step fails, please check that the Docker daemon is running, and that the Docker daemon socket can be used by clients (Configurable under advanced settings in Docker Desktop).

from vespa.deployment import VespaDocker

vespa_docker = VespaDocker()
app = vespa_docker.deploy(application_package=package)
Waiting for configuration server, 0/300 seconds...
Waiting for configuration server, 5/300 seconds...
Using plain http against endpoint http://localhost:8080/ApplicationStatus
Waiting for application status, 0/300 seconds...
Using plain http against endpoint http://localhost:8080/ApplicationStatus
Waiting for application status, 5/300 seconds...
Using plain http against endpoint http://localhost:8080/ApplicationStatus
Waiting for application status, 10/300 seconds...
Using plain http against endpoint http://localhost:8080/ApplicationStatus
Waiting for application status, 15/300 seconds...
Using plain http against endpoint http://localhost:8080/ApplicationStatus
Waiting for application status, 20/300 seconds...
Using plain http against endpoint http://localhost:8080/ApplicationStatus
Waiting for application status, 25/300 seconds...
Using plain http against endpoint http://localhost:8080/ApplicationStatus
Application is up!
Finished deployment.

app now holds a reference to a Vespa instance.

Preparing the data

In this example we use HF Datasets library to stream the “Cohere/wikipedia-2023-11-embed-multilingual-v3” dataset and index in our newly deployed Vespa instance.

The dataset contains wikipedia-pages, and their corresponding embeddings.

For this exploration we will just use the id and text-fields

The following uses the stream option of datasets to stream the data without downloading all the contents locally.

The map functionality allows us to convert the dataset fields into the expected feed format for pyvespa which expects a dict with the keys id and fields:

{ "id": "vespa-document-id", "fields": {"vespa_field": "vespa-field-value"}}

from datasets import load_dataset

dataset = load_dataset(

Utility function to stream different number of documents

def get_dataset(n_docs: int = 1000):
    return (
        dataset.map(lambda x: {"id": x["_id"] + "-iter", "fields": {"text": x["text"]}})
        .select_columns(["id", "fields"])

A dataclass to store the parameters and results of the different feeding methods

from dataclasses import dataclass
from typing import Callable, Optional, Iterable, Dict

class FeedParams:
    name: str
    num_docs: int
    max_connections: int
    function_name: str
    max_workers: Optional[int] = None
    max_queue_size: Optional[int] = None
    num_concurrent_requests: Optional[int] = None

class FeedResult(FeedParams):
    feed_time: Optional[float] = None

A common callback function to notify if something goes wrong

from vespa.io import VespaResponse

def callback(response: VespaResponse, id: str):
    if not response.is_successful():
            f"Failed to feed document {id} with status code {response.status_code}: Reason {response.get_json()}"

Defining our feeding functions

import time
import asyncio

def feed_sync(params: FeedParams, data: Iterable[Dict]) -> FeedResult:
    start_time = time.time()
    with app.syncio(connections=params.max_connections):
        for doc in data:
    end_time = time.time()
    return FeedResult(
        feed_time=end_time - start_time,

async def feed_async(params: FeedParams, data: Iterable[Dict]) -> FeedResult:
    start_time = time.time()
    tasks = []
    # We use a semaphore to limit the number of concurrent requests, this is useful to avoid
    # running into memory issues when feeding a large number of documents
    semaphore = asyncio.Semaphore(params.num_concurrent_requests)

    async with app.asyncio(
        connections=params.max_connections, total_timeout=params.num_docs // 10
    ) as async_app:
        for doc in data:
            async with semaphore:
                task = asyncio.create_task(

        await asyncio.wait(tasks, return_when=asyncio.ALL_COMPLETED)

    end_time = time.time()
    return FeedResult(
        feed_time=end_time - start_time,

def feed_iterable(params: FeedParams, data: Iterable[Dict]) -> FeedResult:
    start = time.time()
    end = time.time()
    sync_feed_time = end - start
    return FeedResult(

Defining our hyperparameters

from itertools import product

# We will only run for 1000 documents here as notebook is run as part of CI.
# But you will see some plots when run with 100k documents as well.

num_docs = [1000]

params_by_function = {
    "feed_sync": {
        "num_docs": num_docs,
        "max_connections": [16, 64],
    "feed_async": {
        "num_docs": num_docs,
        "max_connections": [16, 64],
        "num_concurrent_requests": [1000, 10_000],
    "feed_iterable": {
        "num_docs": num_docs,
        "max_connections": [64, 128],
        "max_workers": [16, 64],
        "max_queue_size": [1000, 10000],

feed_params = []
# Create one FeedParams instance of each permutation
for func, parameters in params_by_function.items():
    print(f"Function: {func}")
    keys, values = zip(*parameters.items())
    for combination in product(*values):
        settings = dict(zip(keys, combination))
                name=f"{settings['num_docs']}_{settings['max_connections']}_{settings.get('max_workers', 0)}_{func}",
    print("\n")  # Just to add space between different functions
Function: feed_sync
{'num_docs': 1000, 'max_connections': 16}
{'num_docs': 1000, 'max_connections': 64}

Function: feed_async
{'num_docs': 1000, 'max_connections': 16, 'num_concurrent_requests': 1000}
{'num_docs': 1000, 'max_connections': 16, 'num_concurrent_requests': 10000}
{'num_docs': 1000, 'max_connections': 64, 'num_concurrent_requests': 1000}
{'num_docs': 1000, 'max_connections': 64, 'num_concurrent_requests': 10000}

Function: feed_iterable
{'num_docs': 1000, 'max_connections': 64, 'max_workers': 16, 'max_queue_size': 1000}
{'num_docs': 1000, 'max_connections': 64, 'max_workers': 16, 'max_queue_size': 10000}
{'num_docs': 1000, 'max_connections': 64, 'max_workers': 64, 'max_queue_size': 1000}
{'num_docs': 1000, 'max_connections': 64, 'max_workers': 64, 'max_queue_size': 10000}
{'num_docs': 1000, 'max_connections': 128, 'max_workers': 16, 'max_queue_size': 1000}
{'num_docs': 1000, 'max_connections': 128, 'max_workers': 16, 'max_queue_size': 10000}
{'num_docs': 1000, 'max_connections': 128, 'max_workers': 64, 'max_queue_size': 1000}
{'num_docs': 1000, 'max_connections': 128, 'max_workers': 64, 'max_queue_size': 10000}

print(f"Total number of feed_params: {len(feed_params)}")
Total number of feed_params: 14

Now, we will need a way to retrieve the callable function from the function name.

# Get reference to function from string name
def get_func_from_str(func_name: str) -> Callable:
    return globals()[func_name]

Function to clean up after each feed

For a fair comparison, we will delete the data before feeding it again.

from typing import Iterable, Dict

def delete_data(data: Iterable[Dict]):

Main experiment loop

The line below is used to make the code run in Jupyter, as it is already running an event loop

import nest_asyncio

results = []
for params in feed_params:
    print("-" * 50)
    print("Starting feed with params:")
    data = get_dataset(params.num_docs)
    if "async" not in params.function_name:
        feed_result = get_func_from_str(params.function_name)(params=params, data=data)
        feed_result = asyncio.run(
            get_func_from_str(params.function_name)(params=params, data=data)
    print("Deleting data")
Starting feed with params:
FeedParams(name='1000_16_0_feed_sync', num_docs=1000, max_connections=16, function_name='feed_sync', max_workers=None, max_queue_size=None, num_concurrent_requests=None)
Deleting data
Starting feed with params:
FeedParams(name='1000_64_0_feed_sync', num_docs=1000, max_connections=64, function_name='feed_sync', max_workers=None, max_queue_size=None, num_concurrent_requests=None)
Deleting data
Starting feed with params:
FeedParams(name='1000_16_0_feed_async', num_docs=1000, max_connections=16, function_name='feed_async', max_workers=None, max_queue_size=None, num_concurrent_requests=1000)
Deleting data
Starting feed with params:
FeedParams(name='1000_16_0_feed_async', num_docs=1000, max_connections=16, function_name='feed_async', max_workers=None, max_queue_size=None, num_concurrent_requests=10000)
Deleting data
Starting feed with params:
FeedParams(name='1000_64_0_feed_async', num_docs=1000, max_connections=64, function_name='feed_async', max_workers=None, max_queue_size=None, num_concurrent_requests=1000)
Deleting data
Starting feed with params:
FeedParams(name='1000_64_0_feed_async', num_docs=1000, max_connections=64, function_name='feed_async', max_workers=None, max_queue_size=None, num_concurrent_requests=10000)
Deleting data
Starting feed with params:
FeedParams(name='1000_64_16_feed_iterable', num_docs=1000, max_connections=64, function_name='feed_iterable', max_workers=16, max_queue_size=1000, num_concurrent_requests=None)
Deleting data
Starting feed with params:
FeedParams(name='1000_64_16_feed_iterable', num_docs=1000, max_connections=64, function_name='feed_iterable', max_workers=16, max_queue_size=10000, num_concurrent_requests=None)
Deleting data
Starting feed with params:
FeedParams(name='1000_64_64_feed_iterable', num_docs=1000, max_connections=64, function_name='feed_iterable', max_workers=64, max_queue_size=1000, num_concurrent_requests=None)
Deleting data
Starting feed with params:
FeedParams(name='1000_64_64_feed_iterable', num_docs=1000, max_connections=64, function_name='feed_iterable', max_workers=64, max_queue_size=10000, num_concurrent_requests=None)
Deleting data
Starting feed with params:
FeedParams(name='1000_128_16_feed_iterable', num_docs=1000, max_connections=128, function_name='feed_iterable', max_workers=16, max_queue_size=1000, num_concurrent_requests=None)
Deleting data
Starting feed with params:
FeedParams(name='1000_128_16_feed_iterable', num_docs=1000, max_connections=128, function_name='feed_iterable', max_workers=16, max_queue_size=10000, num_concurrent_requests=None)
Deleting data
Starting feed with params:
FeedParams(name='1000_128_64_feed_iterable', num_docs=1000, max_connections=128, function_name='feed_iterable', max_workers=64, max_queue_size=1000, num_concurrent_requests=None)
Deleting data
Starting feed with params:
FeedParams(name='1000_128_64_feed_iterable', num_docs=1000, max_connections=128, function_name='feed_iterable', max_workers=64, max_queue_size=10000, num_concurrent_requests=None)
Deleting data
# Create a pandas DataFrame with the results
import pandas as pd

df = pd.DataFrame([result.__dict__ for result in results])
df["requests_per_second"] = df["num_docs"] / df["feed_time"]
name num_docs max_connections function_name max_workers max_queue_size num_concurrent_requests feed_time requests_per_second
0 1000_16_0_feed_sync 1000 16 feed_sync NaN NaN NaN 15.175758 65.894567
1 1000_64_0_feed_sync 1000 64 feed_sync NaN NaN NaN 12.517202 79.890059
2 1000_16_0_feed_async 1000 16 feed_async NaN NaN 1000.0 4.953256 201.887400
3 1000_16_0_feed_async 1000 16 feed_async NaN NaN 10000.0 4.914812 203.466579
4 1000_64_0_feed_async 1000 64 feed_async NaN NaN 1000.0 4.711783 212.233875
5 1000_64_0_feed_async 1000 64 feed_async NaN NaN 10000.0 4.942464 202.328227
6 1000_64_16_feed_iterable 1000 64 feed_iterable 16.0 1000.0 NaN 5.707854 175.197185
7 1000_64_16_feed_iterable 1000 64 feed_iterable 16.0 10000.0 NaN 5.798463 172.459499
8 1000_64_64_feed_iterable 1000 64 feed_iterable 64.0 1000.0 NaN 5.706256 175.246266
9 1000_64_64_feed_iterable 1000 64 feed_iterable 64.0 10000.0 NaN 5.976051 167.334573
10 1000_128_16_feed_iterable 1000 128 feed_iterable 16.0 1000.0 NaN 5.959493 167.799505
11 1000_128_16_feed_iterable 1000 128 feed_iterable 16.0 10000.0 NaN 5.757789 173.677774
12 1000_128_64_feed_iterable 1000 128 feed_iterable 64.0 1000.0 NaN 5.612061 178.187656
13 1000_128_64_feed_iterable 1000 128 feed_iterable 64.0 10000.0 NaN 5.622948 177.842664
import plotly.express as px

def plot_performance(df: pd.DataFrame):
    # Create a scatter plot with logarithmic scale for both axes using Plotly Express
    fig = px.scatter(
        color="function_name",  # Defines color based on different functions
        log_x=True,  # Set x-axis to logarithmic scale
        log_y=False,  # If you also want the y-axis in logarithmic scale, set this to True
        title="Performance: Requests per Second vs. Number of Documents",
        labels={  # Customizing axis labels
            "num_docs": "Number of Documents",
            "requests_per_second": "Requests per Second",
            "max_workers": "max_workers",
            "max_queue_size": "max_queue_size",
            "max_connections": "max_connections",
            "num_concurrent_requests": "num_concurrent_requests",
        template="plotly_white",  # This sets the style to a white background, adhering to Tufte's minimalist principles
        ],  # Additional information to show on hover

    # Update layout for better readability, similar to 'talk' context in Seaborn
            size=16,  # Adjusting font size for better visibility, similar to 'talk' context
        legend_title_text="Function Details",  # Custom legend title
            x=800,  # Adjusting legend position similar to bbox_to_anchor in Matplotlib
        width=800,  # Adjusting width of the plot
        tickvals=[1000, 10000, 100000],  # Set specific tick values
        ticktext=["1k", "10k", "100k"],  # Set corresponding tick labels

        marker=dict(size=12, opacity=0.7)
    )  # Adjust marker size and opacity
    # Show plot
    # Save plot as HTML file


Here is the corresponding plot when run with 1k, 10k, and 100k documents:


Interesting. Let’s try to summarize the insights we got from this experiment:

  • The feed_sync method is the slowest, and does not benefit much from increasing ‘max_connections’. As there is no concurrency, and each request is blocking, this will be bound by the network latency, which in many cases will be a lot higher than when running against a local VespaDocker instance. For example, if you have 100ms latency against your Vespa instance, you can only feed 10 documents per second using the VespaSync method.

  • The feed_async method is the fastest, and benefits slightly from increasing ‘max_connections’ regardless of the number of documents. This method is non-blocking, and will likely be even more beneficial when running against a remote Vespa instance, such as Vespa Cloud, when network latency is higher.

  • The feed_iterable performance is somewhere in between the other two methods, and benefits a lot from increasing num_workers when the number of documents increases.

We have not looked at multiprocessing, but there is definitively room to utilize more cores to improve further upon these results. But there is one alternative that it is interesting to compare against, the Vespa CLI.

Feeding with Vespa CLI

Vespa CLI is a command-line interface for interacting with Vespa.

Among many useful features are a vespa feed command that is the recommended way of feeding large datasets into Vespa. This is optimized for high feeding performance, and it will be interesting to get a feel for how performant feeding to a local Vespa instance is using the CLI.

Note that comparing feeding with the CLI is not entirely fair, as the CLI relies on prepared data files, while the pyvespa methods are streaming the data before feeding it.

Prepare the data for Vespa CLI

Vespa CLI can feed data from either many .json files or a single .jsonl file with many documents. The json format needs to be in the following format:

  "put": "id:namespace:document-type::document-id",
  "fields": {
    "field1": "value1",
    "field2": "value2"

Where, put is the document operation in this case. Other allowed operations are get, update and remove.

For reference, see https://docs.vespa.ai/en/vespa-cli#cheat-sheet

Getting the datasets as .jsonl files

Now, let`s save the dataset to 3 different jsonl files of 1k, 10k, and 100k documents.

for n in num_docs:
    print(f"Getting dataset with {n} docs...")
    # First, let's load the dataset in non-streaming mode this time, as we want to save it to a jsonl file
    dataset_cli = load_dataset(
        split=f"train[:{n}]",  # Notice the slicing here, see https://huggingface.co/docs/datasets/loading#slice-splits
    # Map to the format expected by the CLI.
    # Note that this differs a little bit from the format expected by the Python API.
    dataset_cli = dataset_cli.map(
        lambda x: {
            "put": f"id:pyvespa-feed:doc::{x['_id']}-json",
            "fields": {"text": x["text"]},
    ).select_columns(["put", "fields"])
    # Save to a jsonl file
    assert len(dataset_cli) == n
    dataset_cli.to_json(f"vespa_feed-{n}.json", orient="records", lines=True)
Getting dataset with 1000 docs...

Let’s look at the first line of one of the saved files to verify the format.

from pprint import pprint
import json

with open("vespa_feed-1000.json", "r") as f:
    sample = f.readline()
{'fields': {'text': 'April (Apr.) is the fourth month of the year in the '
                    'Julian and Gregorian calendars, and comes between March '
                    'and May. It is one of the four months to have 30 days.'},
 'put': 'id:pyvespa-feed:doc::20231101.simple_1_0-json'}

Ok, now we are ready to feed the data using Vespa CLI. We also want to capture the output of feed statistics for each file.

cli_results = {}
for n in num_docs:
    print(f"Feeding {n} docs...")
    output_list = !vespa feed vespa_feed-{n}.json
    results = json.loads("".join(output_list))
    cli_results[n] = results
Feeding 1000 docs...
{'feeder.error.count': 0,
 'feeder.inflight.count': 0,
 'feeder.ok.count': 1000,
 'feeder.ok.rate': 1000.0,
 'feeder.operation.count': 1000,
 'feeder.seconds': 0.826,
 'http.exception.count': 0,
 'http.request.MBps': 1.423,
 'http.request.bytes': 1422960,
 'http.request.count': 4817,
 'http.response.MBps': 0.712,
 'http.response.bytes': 712421,
 'http.response.code.counts': {'200': 1000, '429': 3817},
 'http.response.count': 4817,
 'http.response.error.count': 3817,
 'http.response.latency.millis.avg': 107,
 'http.response.latency.millis.max': 342,
 'http.response.latency.millis.min': 0}
{1000: {'feeder.operation.count': 1000,
  'feeder.seconds': 0.826,
  'feeder.ok.count': 1000,
  'feeder.ok.rate': 1000.0,
  'feeder.error.count': 0,
  'feeder.inflight.count': 0,
  'http.request.count': 4817,
  'http.request.bytes': 1422960,
  'http.request.MBps': 1.423,
  'http.exception.count': 0,
  'http.response.count': 4817,
  'http.response.bytes': 712421,
  'http.response.MBps': 0.712,
  'http.response.error.count': 3817,
  'http.response.latency.millis.min': 0,
  'http.response.latency.millis.avg': 107,
  'http.response.latency.millis.max': 342,
  'http.response.code.counts': {'200': 1000, '429': 3817}}}
# Let's add the CLI results to the DataFrame
df_cli = pd.DataFrame(
            "name": f"{n}_cli",
            "num_docs": n,
            "max_connections": "unknown",
            "function_name": "cli",
            "max_workers": "unknown",
            "max_queue_size": "n/a",
            "feed_time": result["feeder.seconds"],
        for n, result in cli_results.items()
df_cli["requests_per_second"] = df_cli["num_docs"] / df_cli["feed_time"]
name num_docs max_connections function_name max_workers max_queue_size feed_time requests_per_second
0 1000_cli 1000 unknown cli unknown n/a 0.826 1210.653753
df_total = pd.concat([df, df_cli])


And here is the corresponding plot when run with 1k, 10k, and 100k documents:


As you can tell, the CLI is orders of magnitude faster.


  • Prefer to use the CLI if you care about performance. 🚀

  • If you are using Python, prefer the async method, as it is the fastest way to feed data using pyvespa.



Next steps

Check out some of the other examples in the documentation.