
Application packages

Vespa is configured using an application package. Pyvespa provides an API to generate a deployable application package. An application package has at a minimum a schema and services.xml.

NOTE: pyvespa generally does not support all indexing options in Vespa - it is made for easy experimentation. To configure setting an unsupported indexing option (or any other unsupported option), export the application package like above, modify the schema or other files and deploy the application package from the directory, or as a zipped file. Find more details at the end of this notebook.

Refer to troubleshooting for any problem when running this guide.

[ ]:
!pip3 install pyvespa

By exporting to disk, one can see the generated files:

import os, tempfile
from pathlib import Path
from vespa.package import ApplicationPackage

app_name = "myschema"
app_package = ApplicationPackage(name=app_name, create_query_profile_by_default=False)

temp_dir = tempfile.TemporaryDirectory()

for p in Path(temp_dir.name).rglob('*'):
    if p.is_file():


A schema is created with the same name as the application package:

os.environ["TMP_APP_DIR"] = temp_dir.name
os.environ["APP_NAME"] = app_name

!cat $TMP_APP_DIR/schemas/$APP_NAME.sd
schema myschema {
    document myschema {

Configure the schema with fields, fieldsets and a ranking function:

from vespa.package import Field, FieldSet, RankProfile

    Field(name = "id",    type = "string", indexing = ["attribute", "summary"]),
    Field(name = "title", type = "string", indexing = ["index", "summary"], index = "enable-bm25"),
    Field(name = "body",  type = "string", indexing = ["index", "summary"], index = "enable-bm25")

    FieldSet(name = "default", fields = ["title", "body"])

    RankProfile(name = "default", first_phase = "bm25(title) + bm25(body)")

Export the application package again, show schema:


!cat $TMP_APP_DIR/schemas/$APP_NAME.sd
schema myschema {
    document myschema {
        field id type string {
            indexing: attribute | summary
        field title type string {
            indexing: index | summary
            index: enable-bm25
        field body type string {
            indexing: index | summary
            index: enable-bm25
    fieldset default {
        fields: title, body
    rank-profile default {
        first-phase {
            expression {
                bm25(title) + bm25(body)


services.xml configures container and content clusters - see the Vespa Overview. This is a file you will normally not change or need to know much about:

!cat $TMP_APP_DIR/services.xml
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<services version="1.0">
    <container id="myschema_container" version="1.0">
    <content id="myschema_content" version="1.0">
        <redundancy reply-after="1">1</redundancy>
            <document type="myschema" mode="index"></document>
            <node distribution-key="0" hostalias="node1"></node>


  • A content cluster (this is where the index is stored) called myschema_content is created. This is information not normally needed, unless using delete_all_docs to quickly remove all documents from a schema


After completing the code for the fields and ranking, deploy the application into a Docker container - the container is started by pyvespa:

from vespa.deployment import VespaDocker

vespa_container = VespaDocker()
vespa_connection = vespa_container.deploy(application_package=app_package)
Waiting for configuration server, 0/300 seconds...
Waiting for configuration server, 5/300 seconds...
Waiting for application status, 0/300 seconds...
Waiting for application status, 5/300 seconds...
Waiting for application status, 10/300 seconds...
Waiting for application status, 15/300 seconds...
Waiting for application status, 20/300 seconds...
Waiting for application status, 25/300 seconds...
Finished deployment.

Deploy from modified files

To add configuration the the schema, which is not supported by the pyvespa code, export the files, modify, then deploy by using deploy_from_disk. This example adds custom configuration to the services.xml file above and deploys it:

cat << EOF > $TMP_APP_DIR/services.xml
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<services version="1.0">
    <container id="${APP_NAME}_container" version="1.0">
    <content id="${APP_NAME}_content" version="1.0">
        <redundancy reply-after="1">1</redundancy>
            <document type="${APP_NAME}" mode="index"></document>
            <node distribution-key="0" hostalias="node1"></node>

The resource-limits in tuning/resource-limits/disk configuration setting allows a higher disk usage.

Deploy using the exported files:

vespa_connection = vespa_container.deploy_from_disk(application_name=app_name, application_root=temp_dir.name)
Waiting for configuration server, 0/300 seconds...
Waiting for configuration server, 5/300 seconds...
Waiting for application status, 0/300 seconds...
Waiting for application status, 5/300 seconds...
Finished deployment.

One can also export a deployable zip-file, which can be deployed using the Vespa Cloud Console:

Path.mkdir(Path(temp_dir.name) / "zip", exist_ok=True, parents=True)
app_package.to_zipfile(temp_dir.name + "/zip/application.zip")

! find "$TMP_APP_DIR/zip" -type f


Remove the container resources and temporary application package file export:


Next step: Deploy, feed and query

Once the schema is ready for deployment, decide deployment option and deploy the application package:

Use the guides on the pyvespa site to feed and query data.